Meaningful content

Case #1

Case #2

Case #3

Links should make sense out of context. Phrases such as "click here" or "read more" are ambiguous when read out of context. Read more.

Adding alternative text for images is the first principle of web accessibility. It is also one of the most difficult to properly implement. Read more about alternative text for images.

Please, read about writing guidelines to know more.

Case #4

Case #5

Warning: Your subscription will end in 6 days.

Case #6

Made with love instead of coffee , just for you!

Case #7

            __     __
           /  \~~~/  \
     ,----(     ..    )
    /      \__     __/
   /|         (\  |(
  ^ \   /___\  /\ | ` 
    |__|    |__| -"   

ASCII art is cool but a meaningless for screen readers.